Denise's Fine Tea
Winter Palace Marzipan Rooibos - flavored rooibos tea
Winter Palace Marzipan Rooibos - flavored rooibos tea
$18.25 CAD
$18.25 CAD
Origin: South Africa / Thailand / Canada
Antioxidant Level: low
Caffeine Level: none
INFUSION: reddish orange to full color
CUP CHARACTERISTICS: What a tea! Premium Moroccan almonds give the German inspired marzipan a magnificent boost. Rooibos and marzipan were meant for each other.
STORY: St. Petersburg's Winter Palace was commissioned by Catherine the Great and built between 1754 and 1762. As it goes, the architect that was charged with designing the opulent structure, with its 1,786 doors and 1,945 windows, was an Italian named Francesco Bartolomeo Rastrelli. Rastrelli, knowing nothing of Russia or Catherine the Great, naturally wanted to bring the comforts of home with him to his new city. For the architect this included the sweet taste of Marzipan, or in Italian Marzipane, made famous by the artisans of Palermo who molded the confection to resemble fresh fruit. In particular, he loved a special version made with Moroccan almonds, imported to Sicily via Tunisia. In his traveling chests he stockpiled enough to last him through his first season. Unbeknownst to Rastrelli his patron, Catherine the Great, was also a lover of Marzipan. However, owing to her German descent, she was born Sophie Friederike Auguste von Anhalt-Zerbst, it was typically the Germanic version of the sweet treat she craved.